Division of Campus Life
Chaplains and Religious Life


The Office of the Chaplains and Religious Life (OCRL) seeks to create spaces and opportunities within the immediate environs of the University and in its larger circles where such questions can be voiced and explored openly, whether these concerns originate within religious, philosophical, ethical or spiritual practice.

Pastoral Care

The chaplains are available remotely, and in-person, by appointment and during office hours to provide counsel and support, and may be reached by email or phone. They are also always available to care for the University community and may be contacted at any hour through Brown's Office of Public Safety, 401-863-3322

Meet our Chaplains

Prayer, Study, Meditation and Worship

The nurture of the life of soul and spirit is at the center of our work. We extend a warm welcome to all members of the Brown family to participate in the on-campus gatherings for prayer, study, meditation, service and corporate worship. We are always eager to hear of new ideas and projects. 

Religious and Spiritual Communities

Campus spaces for individual prayer or meditation

Religious Diversity, Literacy and Engagement

Religious life at Brown is wide-ranging and accommodating for students of all faiths. The multifaith chaplaincy on campus works to ensure that all beliefs can find a home on campus. Manning Chapel, Brown-RISD Catholic CenterBrown RISD Hillel, and the Brown Muslim Student Center represent some of the more established centers for religious services at Brown. In addition, there are frequent meetings of fellowship and spirituality groups throughout the campus.

To promote communication and understanding among all religious groups, OCRL sponsors a number of interfaith initiatives such as the Religious Literacy Project a weekly non-credit course during the Spring semester, and Interfaith Thursday Suppers, monthly gatherings with delicious food, exciting speakers, and invigorating conversation.

All OCRL Programs