Division of Campus Life
Chaplains and Religious Life

Brown Muslim Students Association (BMSA)

Religious & Spiritual Communities

The Brown Muslim Students Association (BMSA) seeks to foster a unified community — built upon the Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ — that is open to all those who are Muslim, regardless of degree of practice, or are interested in Islam. The BMSA strives to follow the Prophetic example of standing for justice among communities locally and globally; to foster greater Islamic literacy, in collaboration with the University’s Muslim Chaplain, among its members and the broader campus community; and to create strong bonds of sisterhood and brotherhood — appreciative of and enriched by differences — between members. Through these goals, the BMSA aims to enable members to build a deeper connection to Islam in every aspect of daily life.



The BMSA is an undergraduate-majority organization led by an executive board, elected annually, that consists of five or more officers and is advised by the University’s Muslim Chaplain. Officer duties are defined, though the board works as a team on all programming for the year.

To learn more about or get involved with the BMSA, please write to bmsa@brown.edu.